Lots going all weekend then came work . I am still trying to figure out what that is. Actually I hate to admit it but maybe 6 months off dose freshen up the batteries and I am enjoying the work and peeps. But trust me I wont get to carried away and ask for full time back. Oh hell no....
I practically rode the wheels off the 29er up and down an around. It seems to rode well to . I went up my friends off Big Flat Saturday after putting a mark on Blue Mountain that I'm pretty sure it didn't feal. They have a little timber space so we decided trying to blaze some Mt. B trail in, well good thought but right now after 3 hours busting a move on many rocks and a billion pine needles it wasn't to evident we had done anything. May some day after many blisters some chosen words and many cold ones.....
Saturday off to the play Rabbit Hole which was well done but pulled on the hart stings to the point of teering, don't tell anyone of my sensitivities K....
Sunday back to the black top in a little tour the French town, up a new loop Tucitac over to 93 , this is a nice extra maybe 5 miles. Then finished with the sweet Pattee C climb and now the legs are a bust this Monday so only a commute to work. My damaged little piggy hurt some even ridding today oh ye that's another story to end Sunday wit ha bang or broken toe. It's all black and blue and twice the size. Teach me to do toe head on into the corner of a wall. I must of bean oblivious from all the sun and fresh air. No amputation yet. Have a good week each and all...