Monday, December 28, 2009

Viva Vegas and Yuma

In the travel mode lately to the south west from the west coast. It is good to be one spot for a few days even if it be Yuma. Did I say the ridding here just sucks like the worst roads in Montana and the flat est spot for miles with lots of traffic.Why well the folks are here and some very nice biker types to hang with but will be heading to Tucson soon.

I have only biked once here in four days and due to the unlike of the terrain that be all for the next for days .

There are many great spots in the south west to ride bit note to the file this isn't one of them so steer clear or pass fast.

Jingle Day was less than exciting hopefully for some that wasn't the case . I wished for a few more blue days than I 've bean seeing.

Vegas was interesting and talk about the bling the night is something around there/ Here or there just to enjoy and take it all in most have walked 9 miles around the strip and i have never seen so many restaurants,nice shwankie ones. You can even gamble in some of the rest rooms, most be Vegas.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Movin on threw Cally and Nevada

Bean on and around the road ways,from Oregon coast line into Cally coast line and oh my up and down and lots of turns with a house on wheels behind it gets to be a little much. I cruised into I-5 by Sacromento a day later on the criuse on mostly flat interstate camenced and I was in. Around Paterson Cal. I found this very view like canyon up to Rains Park,it gose on over towards Sant Jose .It had some maybe 8 to 12 percent grade turning me blue a couple of times. Mostly down hill from te top so all was good. I even got shower,electricity,and cable at a RV lot,life is good. next day off down the road for about 150 miles and I just had to pull over and ride from Kettle man city on a road to Pose Robels with more climbing and head wind so after a hour out it took last than a hour back. After a quick bite on down the road till 11:00 at night around Barstow. next day on into Vegas of all places but I am here to tellye there is some very good riding with sholder.I went out by Red Rock Canyon,what a nice area to ride to and with a 13 mile loop in the park area. you can loop back to vegas theway you come or around for a loop. I'm told Mt. Charelston and Valley of Fire are some great road rides to. Mt.Biken up in the Red Rock is soposed to rock to.

So the today was windy city like all day and now into the night,I'll just gamble or maybe not.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bend nationals and beyond

Well now It's bean a couple of days away from bloggege. It is nice to stay in contact this way and find out what everyone else is blog gen about.

My week was very eventfull with travelling over to Bend with great blue bird views and the white stuff to focus in on. I rolled into Bend a day before my nat race and road the snow packed and very slick tecky course. So many spots to figure out and get them into the wattage and reaction plan with out over thinking it when racing. That sorta works but just from one day the course got even slip pier so doing the run up mounted wasn't working for me and some of the off cambered things took out the best riders.

When I lined up at the start i got front roll call up for being on the podium last year, that is so sweet especially on real technical day with just singe track being the run. I got the hole shot tell the first corner were eventual winner and 24 time national champ Paul Curley passed me. I hung on for a lap and was then passed by last year champ Gary Thacker. I hung in and even went by him for a trade off once then he got on the serious side of winning and off he went with me starting to really feal this throw down effort with no back off. I rode behind losing just a bit here and there for a while then that reality bug of shut down mode went to work on my body and mind. Bottom line to go red line this caliber of riders takes some serious preparation.

I've got the hart and desire but like I 've always rolled I'm a little lasy on prep,dam me. It really showed half way and three quarters in I just kept fad ding some enough that 4th place went by then 5th. Finally I got rolling some again and went into a lame chase mode getting by for 4th then seeing 3rd about80 meters up into the last lap and all the sudden up the run or ride if you could hill I was closing but not enough then down the hill on the flat and pavement there he was witha couple of lapped riders in both are ways. in pure excitement spastic mode I missed gears in disbelief I was catching him before the last turn and 100 meters to the finish. He got by the lapped rider before the turn I didn't,so around this distraction and big hard chase to the line coming up a bike length short for 3rd.

I left everything out on the course with no excesses other then letting it go and put up or shut if I think and want to do better.

The ace was so cool to be a part of and to have Montana homies and others yelling for me all over the course helped so much so thanks all. it was a pleasure cheering on our peeps and new friends in their races. Great experience for all in and around I would recommend highly coming to watch or be a part of next year. Merry Christmas Alllllllll.......

Monday, December 7, 2009

Coastal Beauty

Sun on the coast is rock star especially in Oregon the color and beauty are something I would never get tired of.
Sense I was in this area like half a million years ago there has bean a lot of growth. Places like Seaside,netuarts,cape lookout,cape mirrors with the light house and the octopus tree and oh ye hay stake in cannon beach are still there. This and a lotmore are so pleasing to look at in ah.
I slacked this weekend with no racing and it felt good. I've kinda put my self into sinus sick zone from push en lately and the cold weather ridding last week so I'm tryin to get back on track and have something for the nats cross race this Thursday for me. It seems to easy to not train enough or over train and getting sick is a real easy part of the excitement straight at ye nervousness to do good. Now I just let it happen and leave it all out on the course and be happy with what ever comes of it.