Well now it's bean a day or two where have you all been? I have had some lapses in concentration on the blog and really in my way busy busy.
I left Tucson a week and half ago and there is with draw feelings from that place and the peeps i meant and revisited along the way.
the Cycling house gang and the many interesting bike and athletic types were a great experience and seeing the peeps I had hung out with the year before was cool we hung out did dinners and rode hard most the time. I meant the pain cave often during my 6 weeks in Tucson.
After leaving there I moseyed on over to Yuma to visit my snow bird parents. We ate way to much got in some movies and golf of all things. I revisited the bike crew which is big in numbers and way big on hart and passion to ride.
I did have a few near races lately but dew to my last minute preparation and sign up skills and not knowing were exactly a race was in Phoenix I missed two so maybe like I like to say there was a reason for that.
So now I'm hanging Palm Springs for a few days then over to San Di ago for a few more then the slow but sure trip back towards Zoo Town. I miss the peeps there but not the idea of work,you just can't take 6 months and expect to get excited to get back to the serious daily grind of work and the clock when one is so used to their time frame and doing what ever they make up for a schedule.
Take care all and enjoy the life thing. ML