So it's been so long I forgot a thing or two about how to blog so cruise with me. About four days after I wrote the last blog I was for some reason after being sick from staying up alnight doing the 24 hour team mnt. bike thing in Spokane with some felling stronger than normal power but then the bug hit and I felt better sorta also thought I could have a good result in the Montana State road race a week later. So here I was in apace line of 8 buzzing around ten miles from the finish line and some one having not sure inattentive moment or miss judge did a wheel overlap that never turns out good. Down he went right into my line taking me and the next person behind me down with pavement not being are friend. I lost a carbon rear wheel , a ruptured left thumb ligament, broken wrist and grade 3 ac tear on my left shoulder, how about that for fun and wishing I hadn't gone to this race. We all hit this thought after these kind of results.
After a few weeks off the bike I caught up with hiking the great trails we are blessed with around the Zoo. Then after growing back a set I un cradled and jumped back on the bike slowly at first. The mnt. bike is pretty owey like on the wrist still. it took me about three months before I felt like given a race a go but in September I went to a Spokane event with a down town night crit that was big pucker at times with dark spots through out the corse. Came out enthused and un scaved sport en a second behind Jim Williams who won the Inland Empire series.
Sense I have only done a couple of races in cross , doin ok but just not felling it much. Hopefully i get the race bug back. For now just cruisen the great pavement and fantastic trail around Corvallis Oregon works for me.
Hang en in Oregon right now tryen to like the lack of sun and abundance of rain . Thing is you can always get out to hike even in the rain . I 'm not the health club type but been hitten it lately with huge muscle results, right...
Well hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and keep everything between the lines. ML