So another day but it has bean cold by the standards of this area and the nights in the house on wheels-well ca burrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So poor me but it will and is warmen up so off the wall for this fly.
Did a great affort up Lemon yesterday with brendon,his group from cycle house clients and Chris and Allen from the Haugen-Davis team. We were in rock on mode up to WIndy Point about 14 miles up. I caught with the front runners at the bottom with Chris,Allen,Brendon and John a pro tri guy from Philly. Good strong bunch with lots of punch so onward hole. Brendon a tri dude also and John were strong at the front shelled uss three hang on's or is that wanna be cling on's? I tried bridging on up to them but blew a few times getting caught from behind by Big Al who stands 6-6 , he put it in hurt mode and left me some doing some 410 watege efforts. Uss four gethured up again at the 9 mile mark for a while till the tri boys killed again. I think it's to earlly for this blank stuff. But I am old they are young and it's probolly easy trainen for them.
The petty girl is my daughter Angela...............So today easy ride on the camuter to a trail for some easier hiken waiten for the warm stuff to come back. Chow.........
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