Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A place called Colfax

Ye here I am after traversing from Yakima. In my travels yesterday I cam to the Han ford area along the way and didn't see any glow age,the wind was slight,the temp around 50 at 10:30 am. But the traffic was heavy in this area so that was my ploy at the time for no ride zone. Bad decision man. The closer to Fax city the cooler with big wind so next way out of ridding, god I am getting pathetic on this fare ridding thing.

I pull into Fax city around 1:30 eat at retired time with parents then really don't wanna do any paddle action. Finally after great mind debate lasting an hour I turn into a bundled up mess, get the mountain bike out and begin some kind of hilly paved and unpaved workout which doesn't last long. My rear hub has come loose or I have some serious issues. So I limp it and me back to the house. I then saddle up to the trainer for a boring hour and twenty in front of some know brainier TV. Fun stuff and from the weather for cast i will be getting more acoionted with the remote.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Doin the Northwest bike and sight

Bean hanging with the fam and freinds the past few weeks and lovin it. Bean out hiking with Danyel and Payton and doing some nice rides around the Bert Gilman trail, up around Burlinton which is always bone chillin cold-burrrr and just did a great ride up and into the snow yesterday here in Elensburg.

I stoped at the first exit into town off the freeway,got the crossey dash road stead out and up towards the foothills into Manashtash Canyon. It was a nice steady climb for about 6 miles. It turned to gravel sort of muddy road so usual wimp in me turned around but by the time I got back to little home on wheels I had 2 hours, that worked.

I'm headed into Yakima today to visit with my Dad and other fam and get some ridding in around the valley if the weather gods are on my side.

Must hit a winery or two being in the best wine spot around right?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hanging in Sea Town

Oh boy the wimpy wineing will continue just a bit longer till I get on the east side of the mountains, then it will be warmer right? Some were in the last 2 weeks I have seen the sun two and half times I think.
Saturday I rode with some peeps from Danyel's bike team to this Mason Lake bike race. I went knowing I would be there to late to race in the 50 plus so I was diving in with the 30 plus 1-2-3'S and the pro 1-2 women who had it going on and numbers.
The 60 mile 5 lap course wasn't real climb crazy but had those rollers that were almost always there and race pace it took it's toll on the old man. I stayed with most the early hits and at the front but on the 2nd lap I slipped back just a bit and 3 guys got away and 2 guys after that. I chased but know one else would work so there you have it race pretty much over. I rode myself into the ground the last half of the last lap and felt like I got some good hard training.
They had homemade chicken noodel soup and cookies which really hit the spot and there were some people I knew from Washington race days. These peeps over here have the speed and fitness going well. I need some top end work and probably need to shed a few calories.

Monday, March 16, 2009

So the wimp in me 09

Yes I am a wimp but I feal good about it. What you might be asking, well here you have it. It has flat rained for close to 48 hours and big wind like the fan at full force at times.

I like to race and I am pretty competitive but the knowledge thing and the wimp factor kicked in hard Sunday so another day of exercise in the outdoors. Boy I need to man up soon or get used to the fat,sassy and laziness over taking me.

I admire the peeps that race and train know mater the conditions. I've lost the edge sense leaving the warm comfy southwest.

When the real spring decides to show up maybe I can pry myself away from the warmth of the indoors , the close proximity to the fridge and the professionalism I posses with the remote.....

Really I'm gonna quite wining some day but just not yet...............I'm not like the Flurries and there pro training friends,that by the way do some real epic adventures full of plenty of gut busting burst. Then there's Joe the racing mans man very fit and kick en it in the Seattle area mountain bike racing early season. Also Bill the training guru. I get inspired by you all but just like to read your achievement's and live it vicariously through you all....Thanks Man..............

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dose it seem to earley to race in the northwest???

Well that winter like fealing still in the air. I crept up on the trainer once again today for another hour and half of butt numbing peddle your ass in one spot kind of no fun or scenery unless you get lucky with the remote ....

So I came upon a spring training thing in Phoenix with the Seattle mar. baseball. Temps close to the 80's the rest of the week oh my will I be able to do this adjustment??? I am ruined for doin the cool weather with out day after day blue bird......Dam......The surf fer dude is Owen Gu the gu-man and some times known as a relative or son of mine???

Well then the coast travel 09

Up the beautiful Cally and Oregon coastline. Allot of road trip but the sights were spectacular. There are so many places to see but so little time. Once I got into travel mode it is the way to see so much from the dashboard but the bike is my favorite. Did hikes and should have rode more but it got cool and clammy. I better get over this Inna hurry or the trainer will have to be my friend and I can't see that happening.....
I already miss the short sleeve and shorts so much. The bike racing thing even if it was only one stage race I'm felling with draw. Maybe a race in the Banana Belt around Portland this weekend. They have a Fifty plus which would have some go fast guys even at that age, dose seem old but these guys still have the go and the big desire.
I look dark com paired to these fair skin peeps in the northwest..... But rest assured that tan thing will disappear soon and I will blend right in. Keep the rubber side on the down side all.....Schwag

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

All righty then 09

So how is everyone doin out there? Do ye miss me? I am in Palm springs for a couple of days tryin out some of their R and R and riding here which isn't bad for road or mt. b . The hiking works too. Their is quite a crowd of peeps here so any main type road is on over use status. The resort atmosphere is The time in Tucson is missed and I could of stayed much longer but the move on part of the vision quest is in me and the plans are there. I raced last weekend in the North end Classic in Yuma, Az, This a well put on stage race with a crit first off in old town that is full of turns and a couple of minor climbs with bombed into the er down hill turns that come at you quick and you need to be on your toes and treat the hole coarse with respect which a few too many races didn't Saturday and their ended a few too many broken bones.

In my first race the 55 plus in the 8:00 am mode we didn't even get in a half a lap and one guy charged into a fast down hill right turn and headed right for the curb so over reacted diving back into the pack and took out a friend Jake the Belgium bomb and his self into the curb and a pole that broke his hip in three places and his pelvis. Jake broke his scapula. This shouldn't but did happen. I saw the in tire miss hap and then had to get back in race mode because that's why I was there and the guy not involved and a head of the hole thing was putting distance between the others and me fast. I bridged up then worked wit him right away then had a gape and kept it up to the finish and I had a little more sprint than this guy. The next race some buddy else went down taking another out both getting a broken collar bones.

I got a hour and half rest and went back out with the 45 plus fast and fit guys , we went out fast right away and kept it going with a five man break two laps in then one guy doin what happens to me pnce in while getting shelled a lap later. Our group with the exception of one wheel sucken dude worked well and put around a minute into the chase group. We stayed together and I finished 3rd and felt good about the race. We were going into some corners with so much speed it was hard to not go for the breaks but one corner had my respect and got a little break help every line up into it.

The road race was flat and fast and I had to race in one so the 55 plus was my first choice so it was short so I turned it into time trial after dragging a few deturmaned guys around tell I wore them down in atacks. I got first over all, a nice plauqe, tee shirt and hundred bones.... Love the schwag oh ye........