Bean hanging with the fam and freinds the past few weeks and lovin it. Bean out hiking with Danyel and Payton and doing some nice rides around the Bert Gilman trail, up around Burlinton which is always bone chillin cold-burrrr and just did a great ride up and into the snow yesterday here in Elensburg.
I stoped at the first exit into town off the freeway,got the crossey dash road stead out and up towards the foothills into Manashtash Canyon. It was a nice steady climb for about 6 miles. It turned to gravel sort of muddy road so usual wimp in me turned around but by the time I got back to little home on wheels I had 2 hours, that worked.
I'm headed into Yakima today to visit with my Dad and other fam and get some ridding in around the valley if the weather gods are on my side.
Must hit a winery or two being in the best wine spot around right?
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