Well I have bean busy and lasy so there you have it. Two weeks ago I started fealling the get well mode so off to a near by race in Hamilton area the Tour de Bitteroot with crit and tt all in the same day ouch.
I showed up for the masters with A and B combined this went sort of well with making a break for the prime I took Rich Graves and dave Langston both Flathead valley teamies. Big mistake should of set up like a lasy monkey but ent on and was attacked by my two freinds over and over tell i rolled over like a puppy wanting the tummie rub thing. So having two other peeps chasing on we worked to stay away from the pack and I ws lucky to take the print for 2 over all.So having some brain freeze idea to ride in the 1-2-3's which went out like the silver streak with in the vapor position just barely hanging on. This went on for 3 or 4 laps me breathing like their just wasen't enough air in the chambes. But for some insane reason after a few attacks mine being mine I tried one more with Alix L. and some how it stuck and we raced hard and strong for 40 mins. to the finish with A taking the win. Fun and intence stuff.
Well I had so much fun I decided I had so much fun I went to Bozo with the rest of the NRO team which did well in the Bitteroot so here we went again with a 12 mile tt then well attended street sprints down town with one really hilly and beautiful mountain and prairie road race.
I made some bank at each stage which where pretty generous cash prizes.The road race for me and all others was intence with a dead monkey on your leg 200 hundred meter 12 persent grade finish. I was teid with Dave the danger Langston for 2nd and our 1 st place dude had machanicals
so it came down to the srprint and his killer instink was on duty mine off so 2nd over all and that is all good. The rest of the team placed well in every race we entered congrats to my homies .