Alot of days went by ina hurry,could or would some body slow this thing down? The weather is in total rock star mode-Love it. Got plenty of ideas for the vitamin D time.
Lets see it as bean a blur sense I wrote last. I did the Rat Pod thing with friends and meant and revisited with peeps during. This ride is for such a good cause and the sure enjoyment of the route and fabulous food stops----especially the last with the home made pies kinda spoil person for ever racing again. This is the way to ride. I was in like a go fast group of Willy Z, Alex G,Lindsey C and Z-man. We might of average something like 23 mile a hour for 130 miles. This was a fun some torturous pace but good fun.
That night Z-man and I tent camped in Jackson Hot springs. My first time there, nice and rustic. The water is so smooth and clean like. The mosquitoes were relentless though and oh my they can bring ye down. The ridding in and around the big hole is some of the best I've ever rode. The Maverick ski and up over the pass towards wise has the bomb for smooth pavement most the way and such eye opening sights.
Its go time for the forth now,got company on the way and need to shape the man cave up in a hurry or maybe not. Lots going on in the Z-Town Over the weekend. Enjoy all and keep it real!!!
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