Well now the last week has passed and I am a free spirit again and ready to move around and in joy the off time from work. So were should I go first? I feal the south warm air pulling at me.
It's bean a nice summer and great to be social with as many friends as much as possible. I will miss all the biking buds and others that are all so great to spend time with. And oh ye Zoo Town with it's vibrancy.
I with a few hardy few did the Pat tee Canyon Hill climb.The wind was almost hurricane force going up hill,that's just not right.I did some of Stuart Peak with Schultz the day before so the legs weren't very amped up. Our boy Josh Tack kicked it again up the big nasty. The NRO team riders did well taking 5 or more of the age groups. The best part was the crasy priceses people brought for entree,some good imagination out there.
Cross season is in full swing all around and many peeps are with the fun from Wednesday to the weekends of 2 day full on racing.OK all take care and ride safe and rubber down...
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