Hey again from what has been sunny warm 70's Tucson but all good things come to and end sometimes and the last few days have been an assortment of tropical storm like Tuesday night when between wind and rain I thought my pass had come for Oz.
The weather and seriously I;m not wining but it has gone the other way the past few days with way more clouds some actual rain and some big time wind with the likes of stuff I used to get in new Mexico. It can be on the scary side and sounds like a jet engine right next to the little house on wheels. There is more to come and snow level is dropping to 4,000 ft. That's last than a third of the way up Lemon.
So I got with Guman and cycling house gang the other day and meant some of the repeat campers that I got to know last year, there are good fun and all abilities. We cruised over to Lemon and went up 14 miles to Windy Point which was all you were allowed cause of snow road closer from there up. The trip down Lemon was snow melt soaked roads drenching use and our bikes for a few miles down then we rolled into Le Buzz to hot lattes.
I rode mountain bike over on the Star and gates Pass area with Dan and Sal. Dan being our guide seance he had gotten to know the area and it's trail from hs college days here.After it was off to El Charo for some killer Chime Chung's and a parking ticket cause lack of food had uss in a brain dase not paying attention to the meter next to the suby. Take care all...
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