Oh myyyyyyyyyyyy after sinus infliction for a week and a half and only ridding the trainer occasionally I try and jump into one of the tuffer races in Montana. We had maybe a group of 23 or so juiced up old guys who were mostly early 40 something verses us rellices of racers.
We started out so calm I thought I was in some ones easy lounger and loven life but then the hill then the gravel that seem like boulders at times or tire cutting edged 2 inch tire destroying rocks. I think Alix was the first of many to go,dam those rocks.
There were many attacks and some looked destine to go but always the strong man of the group would be the reel back chosen ones. There were to many strong legs in this group for anything to go tell the end.
We got a group of 5 towards the end , there would have ben more except for all the punchers. Our teamie John the flash was felling the leg ach for to much fun in Moab then thee was Z-Man loosen the necessary tire pressure to ride on and then was brooksie brig en to our group of 5 with 4 others so the number of nine up and to the finish. The super strong rider from Polsen mike the leg breaker did it to all 8 of us up to the line with just Dave l. and I hanging to his hairy back. With the new found patience this year I missed a good jump opportunity again and had to fight hard back on tho their spurt just getting second and no rock again,really wont a rock . But it was a fun fun race and a great group of guys to trade pulls , spurts and dodging of many hole making rocks.
So this week is in the books as my second consecutive work week. I think I can do 5 and half more months. I am so dam spoilt. Good weekend to all. ML