Here I am in beautiful Montana one moment then traveling after just a few days there like the gypsy I must be. I enjoyed my two days in Missoula so much I had to leave. What really happen was arrival,unhook from the home on wheels quick visits with friends and fam,off to the great brew pubs of Z_Town especially some long awaited cold smoke at the new and wonder full Kettle House then over to Byran Brew for Dragons Breath and Doppel Bock, then to Sa Wa De for the curry and white wine ,then by some confusion to Harold's Club with two Corona finding their way down my throat. Oh shit then try getting up heading to Missoula Bike works after greasy Press Box breaky to ride with the crew to Clinton and practice race.
Yes I did all this and raced sorta competitive but I'm 56 not 26 like I was imitating so now it;s bean over a week of kick ass cold and sniffles to ridding through it on the verg of falling over sick,what the hell. I'm sorta like like demo man with the help and body sometimes but do I like life and the peeps in it so bring tell it's not there anymore.
I will be back to work next week for real so my end will probably get kinda quite so the rest of live on your style and some of mine. Cheers to allllllllll....
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