I've got in a ride here and there being the fair weather boy always, every once in while I hit the outside ridden in the cold crispy foggy stuff but not of free will. I actually got in with some of the Corvegan rider's last Sunday and in between 4 flats we got some fast paseline and ridden in which i am know way in shape for.
The mountain biking is stellar on most of the trail around town. it's been dryer her in Corvallis than normal winters and I dig that .
Have had a few good ski weekends up in Bend which so much like The Zoo. There are a number of trails up around Bachelor that groomed like Yellow Stone, a pleasure to ski on.
So proud to report the addition of one more Gran daughter, she is the third and from the looks it the last from my daughters Danyel and Angela,it's an all girl thing which is great. Grace was born 5 weeks early and had a ruff week like her mom Angela . After a week they are much better and home with the rest of the fam.
Yesterday i went Portland and stayed at the Crystal Hotel, it's a Micminniamin thing like some many buildings they have taken and reconstructed into hotel.bars, restaurants and pools, sometimes theaters. Everything in one and just stay and play,works for me especially last night when we ate at Jake's across the street,shop ed a little at buffalo exchange, hit the famous book store Powell's, like three stories of room after room of books. Then we were off to the bar in the Crystal Hotel that had a great 2 boy 2 girl band called Golden Boy, easy listening. Then off to the famous Crystal Ball room just up the block for 80's music on huge screens and a bouncy floor, which after 3 hours of none stop dancen it was a must. Then by one in the morning off to the hotel soaking pool which a few were still occupying, so by two a.m. it was crumbling time. but for fact i still got a little move and some late night in me, now recovery-recovery...
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