I rode with a freind rom th e Rio Rancho days today we went to this dam area on a resavation that we used to ride to cause of the low car tally.It was on the cold and windy side but duable and we caught up on alot of things.
This is gram man who now has a road bike wighing in at 14 lbs. ANd yes that is cheating atleast in a uci race. Hince the name gramage.
We headed back to town from the dam and so about 20 more peole heade the same way from three different teams.
We got back to town and over to Richie Riches house and he showed me his new found passion being a full dreessed harey which is probolly better than the undressed version.
I rode out another hour after that and I'm in the worie mode about the legs. I think I tagged them way to hard last week,there in the hurt all the time so woops again. They'll be good for nats or what?????????????????
Take care and peace............. ML
Yea, running with your bike. You said went running but the picture showed you portaging. So if you ran with a bike a-shoulder ... no wonder you hurt. LOL
Your legs will be ok. get some rest and don't go for too many long road rides again. Just some short little efforts. lots of rest, lots of sleep, you know the drill. you've got less than two weeks. its good you're tired now. let the healing begin.
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