Monday, March 16, 2009

So the wimp in me 09

Yes I am a wimp but I feal good about it. What you might be asking, well here you have it. It has flat rained for close to 48 hours and big wind like the fan at full force at times.

I like to race and I am pretty competitive but the knowledge thing and the wimp factor kicked in hard Sunday so another day of exercise in the outdoors. Boy I need to man up soon or get used to the fat,sassy and laziness over taking me.

I admire the peeps that race and train know mater the conditions. I've lost the edge sense leaving the warm comfy southwest.

When the real spring decides to show up maybe I can pry myself away from the warmth of the indoors , the close proximity to the fridge and the professionalism I posses with the remote.....

Really I'm gonna quite wining some day but just not yet...............I'm not like the Flurries and there pro training friends,that by the way do some real epic adventures full of plenty of gut busting burst. Then there's Joe the racing mans man very fit and kick en it in the Seattle area mountain bike racing early season. Also Bill the training guru. I get inspired by you all but just like to read your achievement's and live it vicariously through you all....Thanks Man..............

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